Goals for 2023 - 2024
January 2024 is our 18 month anniversary!
In February 2024, we hope to move to larger space to increase our impact.
As of November 2023, we serve 40 youth and 25 families.
We will expand to 55 youth and 30 families in January of 2024.
To read about our impact in our first full fiscal year, 7/1/22-7/1/23, please read our Annual Report, linked below.
To learn about our goals for this fiscal year, read on.
Goal #1 - Youth Social-Emotional Development
Observations of youth behavior will indicate improved
(1) Healthy Development:
- Attachment to the group mentor and peers
- Stress Management
- Capacity for Self-regulation
(2) School Readiness Indicators:
- Self-awareness
- Social Awareness / Relationship Skills
- Executive Functions
Note: These indicators come from Turnaround for Children's trauma-informed developmental framework, Building Blocks for Learning.
Goal #2 - Basic Needs Provision
Our Place will provide a minimum of 1 meal per week to every youth enrolled in mentorship groups and give youth at least two opportunities to contribute to basic needs provision of others in their community per year
To the right, see a photo of middle school youth volunteering at The Locker Project, creating bags of food and winter supplies to be distributed to schools in Portland.
Goal #3 - Family Advocacy
Our Place will provide advocacy services such as systems navigation, assistance with basic needs provision, and post-secondary education and employment support, for 25 families in East Bayside.
Goal #4 - Community Events
Our Place will provide at least four opportunities for the larger community to be involved in our programming by contributing to two existing community events and two original events designed and hosted by youth per year.
To the right, see Board members, Founder, volunteer, and youth pose for a photo at National Night Out, a yearly event in the Kennedy Park neighborhood meant to build relationships between families and the police force.
Please reach out with any feedback on these goals, questions, or ideas. We are always willing to learn and collaborate with you.